ASCA News Digest

Published January 31, 2023



Today is the last day to register for ASCA’s National Advocacy Day, taking place February 27–March 1 in Washington, DC.

National Advocacy Day gathers members of the ASC community from across the country to advocate for their facilities and the high-quality care they deliver.

This is an excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face with your members of Congress and their staff to educate them about the many benefits ASCs provide.

Don’t miss out—sign up today!
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The data submission period for the fourth quarter (Q4) of ASCA’s 2022 Clinical & Operational Benchmarking Survey closes tonight at 11:59 pm ET. Subscribers should make sure to submit their data by the deadline to get a complete picture of trends for last year.

Is your ASC on track for success in the new year? Make 2023 your facility’s best year yet by subscribing to ASCA’s 2023 Clinical & Operational Benchmarking Survey.
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ASCA is excited to announce it will offer two classes for the 2023–2024 ASC Administrator Development Program: a hybrid class that kicks off in May at the ASCA 2023 Conference & Expo and runs through April 2024, and a virtual class running from October 2023–September 2024.

Applications are now being accepted for the hybrid class. This class consists of in-person content in the ASC Administrator Development Track at ASCA 2023 as well as virtual content.

The ASC Administrator Development Program is a yearlong mentoring program that matches newer and aspiring administrators with their experienced peers. Applications for the hybrid class are due February 28. Learn more and apply today!
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Register today for the ASCA 2023 Conference & Expo, May 17–20 in Louisville, KY. ASCA’s annual conference—the front-runner in surgery center events—has the resources, education and networking opportunities you need to lead your surgery center to success.

Hurry—register now to lock in the early bird registration rate!
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The new federal requirements related to electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) of controlled substances went into effect on January 1, 2023. Any prescriber who issues more than 100 qualifying controlled substance prescriptions in a calendar year will be required to transmit at least 70 percent of prescriptions electronically in 2023. Read this Digital Debut for more on the background, requirements and enforcement of these new requirements.
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Help ASCA advocate for the expansion of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) ASC Covered Procedures List (ASC-CPL) by completing a brief survey. The ASC-CPL contains codes that CMS considers clinically appropriate for ASCs to provide to Medicare beneficiaries. The survey closes Friday, February 10.
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2022 saw a continuation of 2021 trends as the healthcare industry further rebounded from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Ambulatory Surgery Center subindustry largely recovered in 2021, but certain specialties that lagged in 2021 saw a further recovery in 2022.
VMG Health (01/26/23) Jack Hawkins; Ryan Mendez; Colin Park
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Despite greater awareness of the harmful effects of physician burnout and depression, a new report from Medscape shows that both continue to worsen and have increased substantially in the past five years. Medscape Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2023: "I Cry and No One Cares" showed that rates of burnout increased to 53 percent this past year, from 47 percent in 2021, and jumped 26 percent since 2018.
PR Newswire (01/27/23)
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The Joint Commission is eliminating 168 accreditation requirements that are above and beyond regulations from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services or any other state or federal agency. In addition to eliminating roughly 14 percent of the standards within our scope, we are revising an additional 13 standards.
Joint Commission Dateline @ TJC blog (01/24/23) Kathryn Petrovic
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Today, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association released policy solutions that could reduce health care costs in the United States by $767 billion over 10 years. The recommendations, "Affordability Solutions for the Health of America," address the root causes of rising health care costs by improving competition, lowering prescription drug costs, and prioritizing high-quality care.
PR Newswire (01/24/23)
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Inaccurately recording the start of anesthesia care during a procedure is common and results in significant lost billing time for anesthesia practices and medical centers, suggests a study being presented at the American Society of Anesthesiologists' ADVANCE 2023, the Anesthesiology Business Event. The anesthesia start time must be documented from a computer logged into the electronic health record, and typically occurs once the patient is in the operating room.
Newswise (01/26/23)
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About ASCA

Mission: The Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA) is the national membership association that represents ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and provides advocacy and resources to assist ASCs in delivering high-quality, cost-effective ambulatory surgery to all the patients they serve.

About Us: At ASCA, we are eager to help you become better acquainted with our nation's ASCs and the people who own and operate them. We are also eager to help you develop policies on ASC-related issues. If you have questions, please contact us. We'll put you in touch with the experts and, if you like, arrange for you to visit an ASC in your area.

Contact Us: Advertising inquiries should be addressed to Chris Schriever or Alex Yewdell at 202.337.1897 or at

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