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From Medicare payment rates and updates to regulatory burdens to growing your business, the ASC community faces challenges on many fronts. If members of the ASC community do not speak up about these challenges, who will? We know that those who oppose ASCs have millions of dollars in their war-chest and will continue to make their voices heard. A strong PAC with broad support is impossible to ignore – and a strong ASCAPAC starts with you!

ASCAPAC receives voluntary contributions from ASCA member facilities and individual physicians, administrators and staff members of those facilities. ASCAPAC pools these resources and makes strategic contributions to members of and candidates for the US House and Senate.

In addition to direct contributions, ASCAPAC organizes ASC industry fundraising events for key members of Congress. These events are opportunities for the ASC supportive community to come together and raise money to promote candidates who support our issues.

Since 2010, ASCs have received $510 million more in reimbursements thanks to advocacy efforts that increased payment update rates. In addition, burdensome regulations, such as the same-day surgery rule, have been eliminated and quality reporting requirements have been made less onerous. That’s dollars added to your business’s bottom line. ASCAPAC is an investment in your business.

ASCA Leadership knows that ASCAPAC matters - 100% of the ASCA Board of Directors are members of ASCAPAC. Our leadership knows that we face challenges on many fronts that affect our community, and that ASCAPAC is a critical resource in developing relationships with lawmakers who make decisions on issues that impact ASCs.

ASCAPAC is the only national political organization representing the entire ASC community to the 535 members of the US House and Senate. Of those 535, dozens have supported the ASC community through legislation or regulatory relief. Imagine trying to reach out to all of these Members of Congress as one individual. ASCAPAC allows individuals within the ASC community to join forces and use their combined strength to educate policy makers and support those who support us.

100% of ASCAPAC dollars go to pro-ASC members of Congress or those in positions of leadership with the US House or Senate.

ASCAPAC is governed entirely by ASCA members. Learn more about ASCAPAC governance.

ASCAPAC financial support is based on the following criteria:

  • Voting record and prior experience.
    Does the candidate present a strong commitment to the ASC policy agenda through a voting record on relevant legislation or prior related experience?

  • Relevance.
    Does the elected official hold a leadership position or sit on a committee of jurisdiction for legislation relating to the ASC industry?

  • Competitiveness.
    How competitive is the candidate’s district?
    What key business issues are at play in the district?
    Does the candidate have a realistic chance of winning?

ASCAPAC doesn’t play politics – we support candidates who support ASC issues, regardless of party or political ideology. Legislation cannot pass without support from members of both political parties. ASCAPAC contributes to both Democrats and Republicans because we need allies on both sides of the aisle.

Actually, you can’t afford not to contribute. With so much at stake in Congress that will impact the way you run your facility and how much you get paid; this is the time to give what you can. Any amount is helpful, but the important thing is to participate. Your donations help us to educate Congress on the important role of ASCs in the modern health delivery system and how the decisions they make impact our community. If not you, then who?