ASCAPAC is the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association’s nonpartisan political action committee (PAC) and is the only PAC in the country that represents the entire ASC community in Washington, DC. ASCAPAC allows its members to pool resources and use this shared strength for promoting issues that are important in the ASC community to members of Congress.

Membership in ASCAPAC is not limited to ASC facilities—individual administrators, nurses, staff members and facility owners may also join ASCAPAC. ASCAPAC is an investment in the future of your career and the long-term success of the ASC community.

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Are you interested in staying up to date with ASCAPAC’s work in Washington, DC, and participating in Q&A sessions with ASCAPAC staff? Watch the video below to hear about everything we have to offer!

For more information, please visit the pages below.

ASCAPAC Governance

ASCAPAC Potential & Campaigns

Frequently Asked Questions