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CMS, in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have developed a comprehensive infection control worksheet to evaluate compliance with infection control requirements. This worksheet serves as a guide for ASCs wishing to fine-tune their infection control practices. ...
Infection Control Surveyor Worksheet June 2015.pdf
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), which operates the National Medication Errors Reporting Program, is warning healthcare providers about repeated incidents of accidental application of “glacial” acetic acid (≥ 99.5%) to skin or mucous membranes instead of a much more diluted...
NAN Alert January2013.pdf
The American Academy of Ophthalmology and OMIC asked key ophthalmic societies to join them in developing a task force to devise an ophthalmic-specific surgical checklist. #PatientCare #FormorTemplate #PatientSafety #Ophthalmology #QualityReporting
Ophthalmic Surgical Checklist.pdf
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines call for medications labeled as “single dose” or “single use” to be used for only one patient. #PatientSafety #PatientCare
The FDA, CDC, NIOSH and OSHA strongly encourage health care professionals to use blunt-tip suture needles as an alternative to standard suture needles when suturing fascia and muscle to decrease the risk of needlestick injury. #PatientSafety #PressRelease #PatientCare
FDA Blunt Tip Surgical Suture Needles.pdf
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reiterated its policy prohibiting multiple uses of vials labeled for single use in a letter to the agency’s state Survey Directors. #InfectionPrevention #PatientCare #PatientSafety
Watch this video of how OA Centers for Orthopaedics in Portland, Maine tested their evacuation plan with members of the community. #PatientCare #PatientSafety #FacilitiesManagement #Guide #Video
Policy: Staffing of the PACU is based upon using the patient acuity tool, designed by Peri-anesthesia nurses at El Camino Surgery Center. Using this tool, staffing points are assigned depending on the type of anesthesia and the type of surgery being performed. Purpose: Promote a safe...
Guidance and recommendations. #PatientSafety #Guide
Safe Injection Practices to Prevent Transmission of Infections to Patients (CDC).pdf
Provides a sample policy and procedures that apply to the use of needles, cannulas that replace needles, and intravenous delivery systems. #Guide #PatientSafety
Injection Practices Policy and Procedure Template.pdf
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