ASCA News Digest

Published June 18, 2024

Ransomware attacks against health care organizations surged following the hack of Change Healthcare that crippled much of the U.S. health care system, according to cybersecurity firm Recorded Future. The uptick, first reported by Wired, suggests that the $22 million Change’s parent, UnitedHealth Group, paid out to hackers to unlock its systems may have emboldened bad actors to further target the vulnerable industry.
Axios (06/13/24) Tina Reed
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ASCA’s 2024 Membership Survey deadline was extended to the end of today, June 18. ASCA needs your feedback. Please participate to help ASCA improve its services to better meet the needs of the ASC community. This survey takes only 10 minutes to complete, and you could win valuable rewards!
ASCA Content (06/18/24)
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Healthmark Offers Steriking® Tyvek® Packaging

Steriking® Tyvek® is designed for optimal use in low temperature sterilization methods, including VH202, EtO and Irradiation. It’s available in Heat Seal, Self-Seal and Rolls. They are designed to offer high resistance to penetration by contaminating microorganisms, to peel open cleanly with a minimum of fiber tear and allows quick passage of sterilizing gas and accompanying moisture vapor.

The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA) recently issued its policy considerations addressing the safe and effective disposal of waste anesthetic gases (WAG). "As we celebrate World Environment Day in June, these policy considerations outline the steps that highlight the role of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) in managing the control of WAG exposure and what actions can be taken to improve our environment by minimizing WAG," says Cheryl Parker, DNP, CRNA, RNC-OB, FAWHONN, FAANA.
AANA News Release (06/12/24)
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ASCs of all sizes can benefit from the practical, real-world advice provided in the newest episode of ASCA’s Advancing Surgical Care Podcast, “Unleash the Power of Data to Transform Your ASC.” Tune in to hear HST Pathways Senior Director of Data Science & Insights Will Evans explain how to capture, analyze and share data, including information from external resources like ASCA’s benchmarking survey, in ways that can drive lasting and meaningful improvements in your facility.
ASCA Content (06/18/24)
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Attention !! A glitch in the matrix of this newsletter exposes two paths. Which reality will you choose?

The blue pill represents the paper-laden path you know too well.
The red pill unlocks a new era of digital efficiency for your ASC.

Choose the red pill and embrace HST eChart.

What will your reality be?

Click here to make your decision.

About 83 million Americans live in areas that don’t have sufficient access to a primary care physician. In large parts of Mississippi and Idaho, pregnant women can’t find obstetricians.
American Medical Association (06/10/24) Tanya Albert Henry
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When starting or expanding an ASC, efficiency is critical.

Opening or expanding a successful ASC takes more than medical expertise. Establishing efficiencies from the start-operational, financial and procedural-is also critical to building a healthy bottom line.

Learn how our dedicated team’s expertise, full-service support and comprehensive portfolio of category-leading products may help uncover efficiency and performance.

If you attended the ASCA 2024 Conference & Expo, be sure to request your continuing education (CE) credits online via ASCA’s Education & Events Portal or through the ASCA Meetings app. The deadline to request CE credits is Sunday, June 30.
ASCA Content (06/18/24)
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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Office of the Actuary has released projections of National Health Expenditures (NHE) and health insurance enrollment for the years 2023-2032. The Office of the Actuary projects that over 2023-2032, average annual growth in NHE (5.6%) will outpace average annual growth in gross domestic product (GDP) (4.3%), resulting in an increase in the health spending share of GDP from 17.3% in 2022 to 19.7% in 2032.
CMS Press Release (06/12/24)
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The Human Resources for ASC Managers virtual course is now available on demand! If you were unable to watch the course live, purchase it today and enjoy all the sessions at a time that works for you. This comprehensive program covers essential interviewing and hiring techniques, proactive staffing solutions, communication and conflict resolution strategies, and more. It’s a must-see for ASC leaders looking to optimize their team, enhance leadership and ensure the long-term success of their facility.
ASCA Content (06/18/24)
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Cataract surgery is the surgical procedure with the highest volume in the United States and globally, meaning it has a significant impact on medication and material disposal. Studies have identified various sources of greenhouse gas emissions within the supply chain.
Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today (06/01/24) David J. Palmer; Jacob D. Grodsky
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Visit the ASC Focus website to read the latest edition of the ASC Focus magazine. Highlights include: “Optimize Your Sterile Processing Department,” “Improve Physician Engagement” and “Making It Less Scary.”
ASCA Content (06/18/24)
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A new law in Florida allowing doctors to perform cesarean sections in outpatient birthing centers has raised serious safety concerns among medical experts, who say the procedures carry a small but real risk of life-threatening complications and should not be undertaken outside hospitals. The proposed new facilities, to be called advanced birth centers, will not be able to rapidly mobilize extra staff, equipment and expertise should complications suddenly occur, as a hospital would, critics noted.
New York Times (06/15/24) Roni Caryn Rabin
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Mission: The Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA) is the national membership association that represents ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and provides advocacy and resources to assist ASCs in delivering high-quality, cost-effective ambulatory surgery to all the patients they serve.

About Us: At ASCA, we are eager to help you become better acquainted with our nation's ASCs and the people who own and operate them. We are also eager to help you develop policies on ASC-related issues. If you have questions, please contact us. We'll put you in touch with the experts and, if you like, arrange for you to visit an ASC in your area.

Contact Us: Advertising inquiries should be addressed to Chris Schriever or Alex Yewdell at 202.337.1897 or at

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