ASCA News Digest

Published October 3, 2023



In a conversation with ASCA Chief Executive Officer Bill Prentice, orthopedic surgeon David Weinstein, MD, makes a compelling argument for giving Medicare beneficiaries access to total shoulder surgeries in ASCs. Listen to the newest episode of ASCA’s Advancing Surgical Care Podcast, “Medicare Patients Deserve a Choice: The Case for Safe, Effective, Cost-Saving Shoulder Surgery in ASCs,” to learn more.
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Attend the Life Safety Code for ASCs virtual course to ensure your facility is meeting all CMS and NFPA requirements for ASCs. Get the guidance you need to design and implement long-term, low-stress solutions that can help your ASC remain in continuous compliance with CMS’ physical environment mandates.

This course will stream live on Monday, October 23, and Tuesday, October 24, and will be available on demand afterwards.

The program is available to purchase on its own or as part of the 2023 Virtual Course Bundlea package that gives you three courses for the price of two!

Learn more about the course in this ASC Focus article.
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Changes in ASC Reimbursement and Implications for Interventional Pain Procedures

As an industry leader, the Medtronic Health Economics and Patient Access team is committed to the ongoing educating of our customers, making them aware of changes that can impact coding, coverage, and payment in Pain Interventions. As such, we invite you to our latest overview that highlights the upcoming Tricare reimbursement methodology changes for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) for Interventional Pain Procedures that will take effect October 1, 2023. You may access this on-demand presentation here.
ASCA’s National Advocacy Day will return February 26–28, 2024.

National Advocacy Day gathers engaged members of the ASC community from across the country to advocate for their facilities and the high-quality care they deliver. It is an excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face with your members of Congress and their staff to educate them about the many benefits ASCs offer and issues currently impacting their ability to provide care.

Help ASCA gauge interest in next year’s event by completing a brief survey. Please note that submitting this form will not register you for the event.
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Billers and Coders: Save the Date for This 2024 Coding Virtual Course
Save the date for ASCA’s virtual course Coding and Reimbursement for ASCs, taking place January 8–9, 2024.

During this event, you’ll hear from industry experts as they discuss the coding and billing updates for 2024 and share strategies you can use to maximize your ASC’s reimbursements.
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Will switching to electronic charting make financial sense?

Try the ASC EMR calculator to determine your ROI over three years. A research firm developed this tool for ASCs using data analysis from 9 surgery centers currently using an EMR. The goal was to understand the value of switching and help other centers quantify the impact of an EMR for their center.

Calculate your ROI here.
ASCA’s August 2023 60-Second Survey asked questions regarding facility provision of price estimates to patients. The survey received 160 responses from surgery centers in 39 states.

Read this Digital Debut for more information on the survey results and background.
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ASCA submitted brief comments in response to a proposed form that was released in advance of the pre-proposed rule recommendation process for the ASC Covered Procedures List (ASC-CPL) that goes into effect in 2024. This new recommendation process will allow interested parties to submit for consideration codes to be added to Medicare’s ASC-CPL for the coming year.
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A company affiliated with the U.S.' largest health insurer, UnitedHealth Group, is looking to take a majority ownership stake in a Guilford surgical center. The physician-owned Guilford Surgery Center, at 246 Goose Lane, in 2022 sold a 49 percent non-controlling interest to Surgical Care Affiliates, which is owned by UnitedHealth’s Optum division.
Hartford Business Journal (09/28/23) Greg Bordonaro
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The FDA is providing an update to consumers, health care providers, and facilities about certain surgical N95 respirators and masks manufactured by O&M Halyard. This update includes the current recommendations for these products based on new data and information provided by O&M Halyard.
FDA Drug Safety Communication (09/29/23)
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Among older surgical patients, cognitive impairment prior to surgery is prevalent. It is detected in up to 37 percent of noncardiac elective surgery patients and in 50 percent of emergent surgery patients 60 years of age or older.
American College of Surgeons (09/11/2023) Zane Peters; Mark Katlic; Thomas N. Robinson; et al.
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Earlier this year, CMS announced the addition of 395 new diagnosis codes, 25 deletions to the diagnosis code set, and 13 revisions—all of these updates were implemented October 1. An ample amount of the code changes pertain to reporting certain diseases, accidents and injuries, and social determinants of health.
Health Leaders Media (10/01/23) Amanda Norris
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Healthcare boards are typically composed of a diverse array of leaders from different backgrounds, each with unique areas of expertise. While this collective knowledge is invaluable in the execution of strategic and long-term planning, it is important to remember that a governing board is ultimately responsible for maintaining high-quality, safe patient care.
Joint Commission Dateline @ TJC blog (09/27/23) Kathryn K. Leonhardt
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Net revenue for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) in Pennsylvania increased 7.6 percent in 2022 over 2021, according to the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHc4). In its Financial Analysis 2022 Volume 2, PHC4 said the net outpatient revenue increased from $1.53 billion in fiscal year 2021 to $1.65 billion in fiscal year 2022.
Central Penn Business Journal (09/28/23) Cris Collingwood
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About ASCA

Mission: The Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA) is the national membership association that represents ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and provides advocacy and resources to assist ASCs in delivering high-quality, cost-effective ambulatory surgery to all the patients they serve.

About Us: At ASCA, we are eager to help you become better acquainted with our nation's ASCs and the people who own and operate them. We are also eager to help you develop policies on ASC-related issues. If you have questions, please contact us. We'll put you in touch with the experts and, if you like, arrange for you to visit an ASC in your area.

Contact Us: Advertising inquiries should be addressed to Chris Schriever or Alex Yewdell at 202.337.1897 or at

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