Employ Best Practices and Avoid Common Pitfalls in ASC Security

WEBINAR: January 7, 2025, 1:00 pm ET (On Demand January 8–December 31, 2026)

Speaker(s): Lawrence Tan, Esq., NRP, CHEP, BCMP
Continuing Education: Eligible for 1 hour of AEU/CE | AEU Content Area: Regulatory and Legal Issues

A security vulnerability assessment that looks at security issues involving regulatory, legal and safety concerns can help identify potential gaps that can be easily resolved. Inappropriate solutions, however, could create unintended issues and raise additional questions and even legal jeopardy. Examine some common ASC security practices and discuss potential issues from a practical and legal perspective. Case studies that highlight a variety of situations ASC managers could face will be considered.


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Lawrence Tan, Esq., NRP, CHEP, BCMP
National Safety Officer III, Medxcel

Lawrence E. Tan, Esq., currently serves as a National Safety Officer III with Medxcel, where he supports the Ascension Medical Group outpatient facilities. He is a Nationally Registered Paramedic (NRP), Delaware-certified paramedic, Certified Healthcare Emergency Professional (CHEP) and Business Continuity Management Planner (BCMP). He retired as chief of emergency medical services for the New Castle County Department of Public Safety following over 37 years of service.

Larry is a graduate of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, where he received an Associate of Science in Emergency Medical Sciences. He later graduated summa cum laude from Wilmington University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Resources Management. He received a law degree from Widener University School of Law and is admitted to the bar of the Supreme Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the US District Court of New Jersey and the Supreme Court of the United States. Larry was awarded a national scholarship to attend the Harvard University JFK School of Government Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program.

Larry has served on a variety of projects, including the National Commission on Children and Disasters; the Health, Medical and Responder Safety (HMRS) Subgroup of the federal InterAgency Board (IAB); the United States DHS First Responder Resource Group; and the FEMA Region III Regional Advisory Council. He is also a past president and director emeritus of the International Association of Emergency Medical Services Chiefs (IAEMSC).