DEA Compliance & Opioid Management in Your ASC

WEBINAR: May 20, 2025, 1:00 pm ET (On Demand May 21–December 31, 2026)

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Speaker(s): Dennis Wichern, MBA
Continuing Education:
Eligible for 1 Nursing CH
Eligible for 1 hour of AEU/CE | AEU Content Area: Regulatory and Legal Issues

Protect your ASC from negative government interactions and possible fines with this review of current Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) licensing and registration requirements and best practices for opioid management inside your facility. Learn about the DEA’s current areas of focus, where to find ASC/provider resources, recordkeeping and security requirements and commonly abused drugs, including heroin and fentanyl. Get updates on the Medication Assisted Treatment Act, learn to identify common red flags and discuss case studies and safeguards you can put in place in your ASC. Participate in the Q & A portion of the program to raise your ASC’s specific concerns.


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Members Included* Included*
Nonmembers $179 $479

*This webinar is included with 2025 ASCA membership. You must register for the webinar in order to receive access to it. If you register for the webinar before your facility has renewed its membership for 2025, you will be charged the nonmember registration rate; refunds will not be provided.

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This webinar is included in the 2025 All-Access Pass, which provides access to every webinar in the 2025 series for one low price.

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Dennis Wichern, MBA
Partner, Prescription Drug Consulting

Dennis Wichern is a partner in PDC, where he focuses his efforts on DEA compliance, opioid risk mitigation initiatives and training services to protect ASCs, healthcare organizations, providers, and pharmacies nationwide. His experience includes 30 years of public service as a DEA Special Agent retiring in 2018 as the Special Agent in Charge of the Chicago Field Division where he directed all criminal enforcement and diversion control operations in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota with a team of approximately 550 employees.

Dennis was the first to develop DEA compliance services and training relating to pain and prescription opioids for ASCs, hospitals, providers, pharmacies, and drug researchers. Dennis is a recognized expert on the dangers of heroin and the opioid epidemic and routinely speaks to healthcare organizations, ASCs, pharmacies, and providers to identify methods to better safeguard their practices.