What is the survey?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) contracted with RTI International to develop the OAS CAHPS Survey to measure the experience of care for patients who have a surgery or procedure performed in a hospital outpatient department (HOPD) or ambulatory surgery center (ASC). Prior to OAS CAHPS, which has been in development since 2012, there was no standardized survey instrument to assess patient experience with outpatient surgical care received at HOPDs and ASCs.
Are we required to use the OAS CAHPS Survey?
In the 2022 ASC final rule, CMS finalized mandatory implementation beginning with the CY 2025 reporting period/CY 2027 payment determination year. Until 2025, use of the survey is voluntary. Please note: ASCs with fewer than 240 Medicare claims (primary plus secondary payer) per year during a reporting period for a payment determination year would not be required to participate in the ASCQR Program for the subsequent reporting period for that subsequent payment determination year. This includes all program requirements.
What data will be available to our facility?
Participating HOPDs and ASCs can compare their patient responses against their state and the national averages. Results and links to these datasets will be available for download on a CMS website such as Medicare.gov.
What types of questions are asked in the survey?
The survey measures patients’ experiences on topics such as
- communication and care provided by healthcare providers and office staff;
- preparation for the surgery or procedure;
- postsurgical care coordination; and
- patient-reported outcomes.
How long is the survey?
The survey is 34 questions long. It is divided into the following subsections:
- Before Your Procedure (2 questions)
- About the Facility and Staff (6 questions)
- Communications About Your Procedure (5 questions)
- Your Recovery (9 questions)
- Your Overall Experience (2 questions)
- About You (10 questions)
Where can I find a copy of the survey?
The survey can be accessed on the official OAS CAHPS Survey website.
Are we allowed to add other questions to the survey?
Facilities may add up to 15 supplementary questions at the end of the survey and can choose to replace their internal patient experience of care surveys with the OAS CAHPS Survey. Please note that vendors may charge additional money for adding questions to the survey.
How is the survey administered?
CMS-approved survey vendors will administer the survey on behalf of HOPDs and ASCs by telephone interview or mailed surveys through one of three mixed modes: mail with telephone follow-up, electronic with mail follow-up or electronic with phone follow-up, and submit the data to RTI International. There is no electronic (web-based)-only version of the survey at this time. Facilities may select which of the approved modes they would like to use.
How much does it cost to administer?
The cost will vary by vendor. As of October 13, 2022, there are 15 vendors that have received approval as OAS CAHPS Survey vendors. All survey vendors listed on the OAS CAHPS website are qualified to administer the OAS CAHPS Survey and have met the requirements for conducting the survey on behalf of Medicare-certified HOPDs and ASCs. Please contact the current list of approved vendors for pricing.
What should I ask vendors before selecting one?
- You will want to ask about the vendor’s pricing model. It is our understanding that most vendors charge facilities per completed survey, but some could potentially charge per survey sent out or telephone call made. Make sure to confirm. You should also ask if there is a set-up cost.
- You may want to ask about the terms of the contract, and whether or not there is a benefit to agreeing to a longer term (multiple years) or an early termination fee if you cancel your service with that vendor. See if there can or will be an ‘out clause’ for both parties with a 30-, 60- or 90-day timeframe depending on the contract.
- If you would like to add your own questions to the end of the OAS CAHPS Survey, you should also ask the vendors how much, if anything, this customization of the survey would cost.
In addition, if you use a billing company, that billing company will need to be able to produce the report that goes to the survey vendor each month, outlining patients to survey. Check with your billing company in advance to determine what type of cost they will impose on your facility, such as a one-time implementation cost or a monthly fee.
Other questions?
For more information, please contact oascahps@rti.org or call 1.866.590.7468.