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A review of commercial medical-claims data found that U.S. healthcare costs are reduced by more than $38 billion per year due to the availability of ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) as an appropriate setting for outpatient procedures. #CongressionalOutreach #StudyorWhitePaper #Grassroots
ASC Cost Savings Study.pdf
Sponsor an event at your ASC provides an excellent opportunity to acquaint policy makers, the residents of your community and local media with your ASC and all of the benefits that ASCs provide. #ASCOpenHouseDay #Guide #CongressionalOutreach #Grassroots #ToolKitorWorksheet
National ASC Day Toolkit_20130711.pdf
Please use the letter template below to invite your legislator(s) to tour your facility. #CongressionalOutreach #ASCChampions #FormorTemplate #Grassroots #ASCOpenHouseDay
ASC Facility Invite Letter Template.docx
Learn how many ASCs are in your state, which procedures are most commonly performed in your state and how much money your state saves the Medicare system every year. #StateASCAssociations #Grassroots #ArticleorBrief #Medicare
2014 State Fact Sheet_VT.pdf
Learn how many ASCs are in your state, which procedures are most commonly performed in your state and how much money your state saves the Medicare system every year. #Grassroots #ArticleorBrief #Medicare
2014 State Fact Sheet_MO.pdf
Learn how many ASCs are in your state, which procedures are most commonly performed in your state and how much money your state saves the Medicare system every year. #Medicare #ArticleorBrief #StateASCAssociations #Grassroots
2014 State Fact Sheet_FL.pdf
Learn how many ASCs are in your state, which procedures are most commonly performed in your state and how much money your state saves the Medicare system every year. #ArticleorBrief #Medicare #Grassroots
2014 State Fact Sheet_NE.pdf
Sponsor an event at your ASC provides an excellent opportunity to acquaint policy makers, the residents of your community and local media with your ASC and all of the benefits that ASCs provide. #Guide #ASCChampions #ToolKitorWorksheet #Grassroots #ASCOpenHouseDay
National ASC Day Toolkit.pdf
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